Marriage Material: What you should look for

Maybe some of us plan to get hitched like Kim and Kanye or Johnny Depp and Amber Heard this 2014. Getting married may seem glamorous and the right thing to do to fit in with everyone else who’s jumped on the marriage and baby wagon, but give yourself a few minutes or maybe even half an hour to ponder this: have you truly found the one?

Marriage is more than wearing a glitzy Vera Wang or Jovian Mandagie wedding dress. It’s more than proving to relatives who question your sexual orientation and marriage ability. There’s so much responsibility and people involved. For the first couple of months everything will look and feel perfect, but in the next 20 years will your marriage stand in the midst of alleged affairs and financial woes?

We’ve listed down some qualities which make your chosen one marriage material. Have a good read and comparison, marriage is after all, till death do you part.

Loves you, flaws and all

Remember Lana del Rey’s “Will you still love me when I’m no longer young and beautiful? Will you still love me when I’ve got nothing but my aching soul?” I believe this song was the perfect song to be played at every wedding as you can’t really promise eternity to someone who can’t love you the second you lose your supermodel figure to pregnancy stretch marks.

Makes you a better person

My mom has always said that if I ever get married, I should find a guy who can make me less stubborn or at least make me listen. In other words, mom is right. Find someone who makes you a better version of yourself. Marriage is about improving not only your relationship, but you as a person.

Shares the same beliefs

There’s a reason why conversion was one of the main legal criteria in a marriage. Sharing the same beliefs will keep you close in times of hardship.

Someone who teaches you something new 

Marriage for twenty years will get mundane eventually, especially when your marriage itself feels like a routine. Why do men cheat? They like the excitement of something new. Keep the marriage fresh with the ability to teach one another something new and interesting.


The very fundamental rule of a relationship is trust. If you can’t trust one another, why are you walking down that aisle in the first place?

Couple time

Couple time is actually the ability to stay in, in your pyjamas and pizza and not worry about a thing. Well not that drastically. But what it does entail is your comfort with one another. It doesn’t always mean you have to spend on a $100 dinner at some fancy restaurant. Marriage material spouse is someone who can chill anywhere, even if it’s a dodgy resort in Krabi and still appreciate you.

Share the same humour

Does not restrict the relationship

Marriage is about loving entirely, so restricting it with some exemption clause like, “I will break up with you if you wear a pink shirt” would totally defeat this.

Respects your family


Jennifer Lopez said it perfectly the day she walked out of P.Diddy’s life. “Tell me who can I trust if I can't trust in you?” If you can’t stay true, again, why are jumping into a commitment?

Shares your life goals

The ultimate quality in a spouse would definitely be to share the same life mission and goal. It’s better if he or she supports your goals and doesn’t laugh at them. How else do you think The Obamas and Beyonce and Jay Z made it as power couples? 

So before you say I do, give this some thought. Cause if you divorce, as per the words of my favourite comedian, Whitney," If you leave me, you're going to have to pay me."
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