Eat Desserts for Breakfast To Lose Weight

What better way to start your day, than knowing there’s a good reason why you should have chocolate cake for breakfast!

Some of us, at least yours truly, is guilty of high-caloric late night snacking. The choco chip cookies over midnight movies, roti canai at the mamak after 2AM, or just about any cake we raid from the fridge. Desserts are guilty pleasures, and they have stayed that way for the longest time. Hence, we run like the racer bunny on the treadmill after every slice of rainbow cake or red velvet.

What if we tell you that desserts are actually a real pleasure – as in they could help you shed some pounds?

If you haven’t heard already, believe it. A study conducted at Tel Aviv University shows that having desserts as part of a breakfast menu may help you lose some weight. Morning is the time when our metabolism works the fastest – hence it is the best time to indulge in sugar because your body is in full power to work those calories off.

But then again, isn’t it better to avoid excessive amount of sugar at all times?

Here’s where the study gets interesting; because it proves otherwise. 193 obese, non-diabetic males and females are divided into two groups. One group is fed with low-caloric breakfast of 300 calories, while the other gets a 600-calorie breakfast, including a chocolate cake. Throughout the first half of the 32-week study, both groups lost an average of 33 pounds (15kg) per person. However, on the last 16 weeks of the study – the group which had been consuming low-caloric breakfast gained back 22 pounds (10kg) per person, while the other group lost another 15 pounds (6.8kg) per person.

It turns out that those who consume big breakfast on a regular basis get far fewer sugar cravings throughout the day. Hence, they are less likely to binge eat throughout the day and night; and as a result – could lose weight.

“The participants in the low-carbohydrate diet group had less satisfaction and felt that they were not full, so their cravings for sugars and carbohydrates were more intense as the day passed,” professor Daniela Jakubowicz, one of the researchers, stated.

So we’ll leave you at that ’cause we ought to run and get us some chocolate cake while the sun is still shining!
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