How To Turn Bad Habits Into Good Ones

We are creatures of habits; the mindless snacking in front of the TV, the constant cuppa we down throughout the day, the polishing off your kid’s plates or the nibbling of your friend’s cheesecake. All these can jeopardise our weight if we just let it slip. So it is crucial that you stop and take check of what are the bad habits you’re unconsciously adopting. Turn those bad habits into positive ones to help you work towards your weight loss goal.

Think before you eat

Don’t just reach into the cereal box and grab multiple handfuls. Take note of whatever it is you’re putting in your mouth or hand for that matter. Reproach yourself over and over each time the temptation comes, in time it will definitely help you from going all the way. This will not actually help you lose weight but it will certainly help you avoid gaining weight.

Recognise your hunger

Most of the time, we’re conditioned to ‘think’ that we’re hungry rather than actually ‘feel’ the hunger. Are you bored or stressed about something? Do you really need food? Perhaps, you just need a little boost of liquid or a little distraction. Try drinking water or eating a banana. Don’t give in to your cravings for something unhealthy like chips or ice cream.

Plan out your diet

To seriously lose weight, you need an active eating plan. How do you respond when you are faced with stress or boredom that prompts your bad habit? Take the necessary steps to break this habit. For example – What are you going to do when you have that craving for something salty, sweet, crunchy, etc? You need to have a plan for what you will do instead of caving in to your bad habit.

Cut out the triggers

Your environment could be making your bad habit easier and good habit hard. This means you should get rid of anything in the house that’s not ideal for your healthy goals. If the first thing you do when you get home is reach for a chocolate bar, then you should throw away your stash. Make it easier on yourself to break bad habits by avoiding things that cause them.

Stay focus

It is important to remember what your health goal is and don’t give up or give in. Visualise your success and see as you take on a new identity. If you can, pair up with friends who want to attain the same goals like you do. You two can hold each other accountable and celebrate your achievements together. When you know someone expects you to be better, it can serve as a powerful motivator.

Overcome negative self-talk

When battling bad habits, it is easy to judge and criticise yourself for not acting better. It’s easy to berate yourself on why you are a failure when you slip up. However whenever that happens, finish your sentences with “but”…in this case, “but” is actually good as a breaker. “I’m fat and out of shape, but I could be in shape before the year ends.”

Plan for failure

Look, the inevitable will happen sometimes. You skip a workout, eat bad snacks, sleep in; this doesn’t make you a failure. We’re all human, so don’t beat yourself up over a mistake but plan for it. Look for ways on how you can make up for the missteps. Change can be hard and it’ll feel like you’re not progressing but the people who are successful at their goals are the ones who bounce back quickly after making a mistake
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