5 tricks to wake up early

Waking up early is hard to do? We feel you, we really do.
Ideally, we want to wake up at 10 in the morning and still be in time for work, but, truth be told, that doesn't happen in the real world. Instead of fighting with your alarm clock (or your smartphone), it is time to kick the old habit and learn some new tricks to wake up early.

Why should you wake up early? Simple. By waking up early, you make time to make yourself happy. How? You get to shower properly, eat a hearty breakfast, listen to your happy song and start your day fresh. Oh, sometimes, you give yourself more time to deal with the morning traffic.

Five tricks to better mornings, now!

Say 'yes' to 'Good mornings'

It's all in the mind, really. When you keep telling yourself that waking up in the morning is a burden, you are resisting your own action by putting negative thoughts in your mind. Let go of that thought and make your life easier. Start thinking of the great things you can do in the morning - finally making your own breakfast and exercise!

Let there be sunlight!

Your body is trained to sleep when the lights are out. In order to wake up faster, train your body to wake up with sunlight. Do not hit the snooze button after the alarm goes off. Get up and open the curtains. Get some sunlight. It tells your body that it is time to get up.

Break-up with your bed

It may be sexy to cuddle after hitting the snooze button, but it is a disaster when you and your hubby sleep in for too long while your client meeting is 9 am, sharp. Break-up with your bed once your alarm goes off. Place the alarm further from your bed. Make yourself walk there and open your eyes. Holding that pillow? Let go and leave it on the bed, right now.

Keep your mornings calm

When you wake up earlier, do not commit yourself to too many things in the morning. Keep your mornings sacred. Let it be your 'me' time or quiet time. You can meditate, play your favourite song or even read a quote and ponder about it. Let yourself slowly get ready to work. It helps to make you feel more satisfied and prepared to face a busy day.

Drink a glass of water

Once you've crawl out of bed, drink a glass of water. By doing so, you rehydrate your body and it is a magical way to tell yourself that you should not crawl back to bed. It works.

Be grateful and feel excited about living for another day. Life's too short for grumpy mornings and angry faces.

You can always make a new habit by going for ways to sleep better at night.
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