5 things you can do for an energy boost

It’s only the beginning of the week and yet you feel like a train wreck already. Well, you are not alone. Most of us do feel this way, tired even after a good long weekend of rest. Monday blues seem to go on forever isn’t it? Well, there are certain steps you can take to help get yourself going.

Move around

It is true that the more active you are, the better you’ll feel. This is because your circulation gets a good workout to help the blood transport oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, brain, and more. It acts as fuel for your cells, which translates to more energy.

If you’re like most of us with a desk-bound job, get up and take a walk around the office throughout the day, at least once an hour to give your body a break from typing and staring at the computer. When stuck in the car/traffic, do regular neck rolls and shoulder shrugs, or circle your feet when possible to keep blood circulating. Be sure to adopt good posture too as this will open up the chest cavity and increase oxygen intake by as much as 30 percent. So this means more energy will be available for your mind and muscles.

Deep breathing

You may not realise this but when you are tense, you tend to take shallower breaths. This is one of the reasons you may feel zonked out by the end of a stressful day. So try to watch your breathing to make it deeper, slower, quieter and more regular. This helps to force more oxygen into your cells and slow down heart rate, lower blood pressure and improve circulation.

Whenever you feel yourself tensing up, it is suggested for you to do a simple breathing exercise. Read here for the more concise steps.

Snack regularly

Try to eat consistently – three small meals and snacks in between to keep your blood sugar level steady. Don’t go too long without food as this will only cause you to feel the highs and lows in mood swings and energy level.

Ideally, you should consume complex carbs (like whole grains, nuts, veggies and fruits) to provide your body with enough fuel, as well as protein to give you endurance. While refined carbs like cookies, potato chips and sweets can give you an initial rush, your body will soon burn them quickly and your energy will take a dive.

Lift your spirits

Nothing could be more of a downer than negative people and situation. So run the other way and try to cut out people or activities that drag you down. Instead, surround yourself with things that make you feel good. Fun friends, comedy series, funny videos, anything that can help you feel good may raise your level of endorphins and boost your energy.

For example, listening to music helps activate several areas of the brain at once and build up new nerve connections. It also increases oxygen flow to the heart, which will perk you up as well.

Stop obsessing

The body secretes stress hormones such as cortisol when the mind is in overdrive. Over a period of time, this can wreck havoc on the body and make falling asleep difficult. Worrying about something and stressing about work will definitely drain you of your energy.

So stop the stress! Train yourself with some form of mind-body exercise like meditation, yoga or prayers to calm the mind. Always ask yourself if you’re in real danger or whether it’s a life-or-death situation. Yes, it’s a little melodramatic but that’s the point! To bring you back to earth and know that your worries aren’t crises. Soon you’ll be in control again.
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