10 things to never say on your first date

We believe that everyone should be well-mannered and observe certain things not to say during first dates.

To make sure you don't burn your chance for a second date, here are 10 things to never say on your first date:

Never ever refer to the ex. Your ex is the past and the person you're dating is not the least interested in him or her.

Guys, please do not make her punch you in the face and humiliate you with her intelligence. Seriously, do not say this, even if you're joking.

Are you trying to imply that the person you're dating is unattractive, not wanted and not good enough for anyone? No? Then skip this question. Ask about their hobbies, instead.

You're not racist but...what you're about to say sure sounds like you are lying. Drop the topic.

It's your first date. You barely know the person, so keep these painful questions for next time. Chill.

Ladies, please do not scare prince charming away. He'll probably run the first chance he's got and gallop away on his white horse. Be patient and talk casually.

If he or she did not ask for your opinion, please do not tell them how they can look better. You're not a stylist or a hairdresser. Focus on getting to know the person.

Now, this is a pretty sensitive question especially when you don't know each other too well. You're not here to audit the person's finances. Move on.

Do not be bossy. Men and women alike, please do not order for your date unless he or she asks you to do so.

You're supposed to be spending quality time with this potential soulmate. Everything else should wait. And, please do not ask the person to pay for your meal. Be polite.

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