How To Start Your Week Well

Time to stop harping over unfortunate events from the week before and let bygones be bygones, because it's a new brand new week!

Have you realised how the way you begin your day and week can set the course for the remaining hours and days?

Case in point, those days where negativity brings forth more negativity; when you woke up irritated and things just seem to keep going wrong and wrong! Now, think about the times when you woke up on the right side of the bed and ready to face the day. A better scenario right?

So, why not make this Monday count and get your week off to a good start with these friendly tips below.

Proper Scheduling and Prioritising

Checking your calendar for appointments, deadlines and making a to-do list can help you avoid any possible conflicts, overlaps, and confusion in the week. Another great idea would be to write down that one more important tasks you need to get done this week on a post-it note and paste it on somewhere visible – this will help you stay focused.

Once you complete your more substantial assignments, the remaining workload should roll in easily.

Be Physically Fit

Start the week pumped up with energy by working out in the morning. Physical exercise encourages the release of hormones and neurochemicals that boost mood, shares Richard Brown, an associate professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia University. No time to hit the gym? Even a quick jog, sit-ups or some stretching exercises can help make you feel more confident and prepared for the week!

Maintain Positive Energy.

In all honesty; your attitude and thoughts define the way you view reality. This pretty much explains why optimistic people seem happier! One tip to stay positive is to understand that honest mistakes happen, so try resisting the urge to mentally beat up yourself or others when something goes wrong.

So, don't sweat the small stuff and always keep this in mind – today is a new day, a fresh opportunity to be better than yesterday; choose to make it count and yourself happy!


Did you know that you could change your emotional state by altering your facial expressions? Various researches prove that the act of of smiling essentially makes one feel happier, and can also help improve your health, your stress level, and your attractiveness.

With that said, lift your lips up into a smile; even if you don't feel like it. Having some trouble doing that? Just watch a funny clip on youtube or read the comics!

It's All In The Food

Not only does food fuel your body, it also fuels your mind and mood. Certain foods especially have the power to make you feel better. Take for example how magnesium-rich almonds can help you stay energised or how chocolates are natural anti-depressants. There is also the fact that whole grain food can help boost your brain power.

To keep feeling good the whole day around, why not have a nice breakfast or sneak some healthy snacks in between meals.

Keep calm, be fabulous and have a great week ahead!
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